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Understanding Addiction to Wheat and/or Cow’s Dairy

Understanding Addiction to Wheat and/or Cow’s Dairy:

Wheat’s Gluteomorphin & Cow’s Caseomorphin

These morphine-like substancesgluteomorphin and caseomorphin, which we derive from wheat and dairy respectively, are hidden powerful addictive substances critical to our understanding of the power of these two foods in our health and well-being.

The gluteomorphins are derived from gliadin, one of the main proteins found in gluten grains (wheat, barley, and rye). Gluten is also used to make industrial adhesives, as are soy and corn. Person’s sensitive to gluten will experience the following harmful results in addition to the addiction.

The Caseomorphins are formed during our attempt to digest casein, the protein that makes up 80-90% of the protein content of cow’s milk (versus 0-2% of goat’s milk). It is this same protein that can cause damage to the lower intestinal lining (duodenum) and a malabsorption syndrome similar to that seen in celiac disease, or gluten intolerance. Borden uses casein to make Elmer’s Glue.

Both gluteomorphins and caseomorphins are morphine-like opiods that have been likened to drugs like LSD. They can be very sedating and addictive and help to explain why 75% of the calories in the standard American diet (S.A.D.) come from wheat and dairy alone. Food addiction is a very real thing and these opiods play a huge role. What do you tell someone when they are stressed out and can’t sleep? We all know the phrase “Go have some nice, warm milk and get a good night’s sleep”. What are the comfort foods? Ice cream, macaroni & CHEESE and pizza. Talk about knowing something without really KNOWING it.

If you or a loved one feels that you cannot give up cheese or bread, then chances are you maybe responsive to one or both of these proteins. You may notice that after eating these foods that your problem disease you are managing is worse –  fibromyalgia, neuropathy, arthritis, depression, chronic fatigue, mental clarity, or other typical signs associated with food intolerance such as bloating and gas. And nt eating these foods you become irritable, angry or worse you experience withdrawal from these foods can lead to classic drug-withdrawal symptoms.

These sedating compounds are also the single biggest contributing factor to post-meal drowsiness. Many think they are narcoleptic because they literally pass out any time of day – morning, lunch or night time and what is not recognized is that it is after ingestion of gluten or casein. This is different from a sugar crash which your doctor screens for when they test for diabetes hence it is undetected. This can be dangerous because more people die from falling asleep at the wheel while driving than from alcohol-related car accidents. Combine the two  and there is a tragic situation just waiting to happen and most likely is occurring every day.

The public needs to become very familiar with the potent sedative power of these two food by-products. Sadly, even most doctors have no idea what these substances are and how much they can affect a person due to the newness of the research and recently emerging clinical data.

Both substances play a vital role in the lives of many contributing to autistic symptoms, clinical depression, chronic fatigue, caffeine & food addiction, highway deaths, and more. And the side effects of withdrawal can undermine those struggling with substance abuse, an eating disorder, mood swings, anger management and psychiatric or behavioral disorders.

Does this apply to you or someone you love?

The good news is that today we have a blood test and treatment protocols to deal with this condition. Contact my office to Register & Schedule an appointment.

Van Harding