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Structural Integration

Therapy for Paralysis and Neurological Dysfunction

To regain function it is necessary to remove restrictions in the fascia tissue that cause stiffness, limited range of motion and compromise blood circulation to muscles and nerves.
To regain function it is necessary to remove restrictions in the fascia tissue that cause stiffness, limited range of motion and compromise blood circulation to muscles and nerves.

Structural integration is a combination of modalities to facilitate proper soft-tissue and joint function. Patients with paralysis, partial paralysis or a neurological disorder which prevents the normal movement of the muscles and joints require specialty soft-tissue therapy to recover function, improve motion and prevent injury while in physical rehabilitation. Van includes Acupuncture, Myofascial Release, CranioSacral, massage and Qi Gong to reset and retrain the body to proper alignment.

General Health, Muscular-Skeletal Injury or Chronic Body Pain 

These modalities open the acu-system to relieve blockages that cause stiffness, limit the range of motion and impede performance. These blockages are caused by the daily activities that we spend a lot of our time doing, such as being seated while at the office desk, staring at computers, driving, lounging, reading, or watching movies or television. The result is our body conforming to these postures and when not in correct alignment we experience poor body function. If you are an athlete you have diminished performance. In either scenario you are vulnerable to  injuries.

Incorrect alignment contributes to the long-term deterioration of our posture which is a basis for many forms of disease from chronic structural pain (back, neck, hock & sacroiliac joints) to malfunctioning organ systems. Releasing the tension in the spine and fascia permits successful communication between muscles, nerves, organs and bone which allows the body to heal itself, frees it from repetitive motion injuries and allows for peak performance.