A Message to Future Patients
The promise to you is that Tahoe Neuro Healing (TNH) will provide the best acupuncture, nutritional health care and other natural healing modalities. TNH takes personal interest in you and your health goals. Whether your health challenges are simple or complex, TNH’s comprehensive testing will help uncover the mechanism(s) that compromised your health or cause you to feel unwell.
At your very first visit, Van Harding will spend time with you. He will listen to you and not only hear, but understand your concerns and health objectives. In every visit you are who matters – and Van manages his operations and daily activities to be there for you. He truly cares.
Van prides himself by his personal approach to helping you to resolve your health challenges. If at any time he thinks he cannot help you, he will courteously refer you to the appropriate health care professional.
Being healthy can sometimes take work and considerable time. Van’s promise is that he will be there for you and your family every step of the way!