About This Section
The purpose of this website’s section to inform the public and provide access to the facts about prescription drug use in the USA and that there are alternatives to restoring health. Being middle-aged I have experienced 55 years of our healthcare system and there is much outside of it which can be of greater benefit – the challenge is understanding when pharmaceutical or natural medicines have the greater benefit. Your health is not a “one-shoe fits all situation” hence you need information so you can make an informed decision about which treatment therapy you will choose along with the benefits and consequences/side effects. Van Harding L.Ac.
List of Contents
Why and How To Replace Prescription Drugs with Natural Medicines
Off Label Use of Prescription Drugs
Why We Are Loosing People To Prescription Medications
Ambien: Negative Side Effects
Steroid Induced Psychosis
NIH Study of Mortality due to Prescription Drugs
Medication Madness: How Psychiatric Drugs Cause Violence, Suicide and Crime
Eight Pharmacology Treatment Controversies in Bi-Polar
FDA Warns of PML with Tecfidera in MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Amoxicillin Adverse Effects Underreported, Underrecognized
Death from Prescription Drugs: The New US Epidemic