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- Introduction: Rx Drugs or Natural Medicines?
- Off Label Use of Prescription Meds
- Why We Are Loosing People To Prescription Medications
- Ambien: Disturbing Side Effects
- Steroid Induced Psychosis
- NIH Study of Mortaility due to Prescription Drugs
- Medication Madness: How Psychiatric Drugs Cause Violence, Suicide, and Crime
- Top Ten Legal Drugs Linked to Violence
- 8 Pharmacology Treatment Controversies in Bipolar Disorder Addressed
- FDA Warns of PML Risk With Tecfidera in MS
- Amoxicillin Adverse Effects Underreported, Underrecognized
- Death from Prescription drugs: The New US Epidemic
- Rx Drugs or Natural Medicines?
- Tahoe Neuro HealingVan Harding, LAc, Dipl.OM
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How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture has been studied for years in the west to scientifically understand how these little needles provoke healing. Here are a few of the conclusions:
1. Acupuncture increases the circulation of blood- reducing pain and swelling
2. It causes the release of certain neurotransmitters- benefitting mental health
3. Acupuncture stimulates the natural release of opioids- reducing pain
4. A reaction with the central nervous system occurs- benefitting overall health.See the Scientific Research section under FAQs.
Why Herbs & Nutraceuticals instead of pharmaceutical drugs?
Herbs and Nutraceuticals correct the underlying dysfunctional biological mechanism that causes the symptoms whereas drugs only seek to alleviate the symptom.
Herbs and nutraceuticals are safer than drugs. According to the CDC there are “0” deaths annually due to herbs and nutraceuticals whereas prescription drugs cause approxiamtely 250,000 deaths annually.
2010 Drug Overdose Deaths: 38,329 and of that 30% were Anti-anxiety meds and 18% were Anti-depressant.
2008 Pain Relief Medication deaths: 14,800
2007 NIH: Surveillance of prescription drug-related mortality using death certificates
Military Pokes Holes in Acupuncture Skeptic’s Theory
by Blake Farmer Feb. 16, 2012
The US Army has begun to make Acupuncture more widely available to troops returning home for P.T.S.D, Traumatic Brain Injury and back pain.
Tag Archives: chemotherapy
Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer
Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery.
The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in
Acupuncture and colon cancer
Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States with about 60,000 deaths from it every year. Like all cancer, treatment can be long, uncomfortable and come with many side effects. Those getting chemotherapy may experience nausea, vomiting, postoperative pain, cancer related pain, insomnia and anxiety. The chronic pain can significantly impact quality of life. Most patients